In 2013, after conducting scientific experiments in the study of goal pursuit...
...A group of Behavioral Psychologists uncovered something incredibly profound.
Across five documented studies, these California researchers set out to answer one question:
"How do you stick to goals when your willpower is low?"
Here's what they discovered...
In one test, subjects began by rating the strength of already developed habits. These would include everyday normal activities - like their breakfast choices and whether they read a section of the newspaper.
Here's where things got interesting: the subjects were to report on their actions when willpower was at its lowest - during STRESSFUL periods of time (in this case, exam weeks).
In a second test, this time the subjects were to undergo the same pressures, but before or afterwards, they were offered their choice of either a healthy or sugary snack. They also rated how frequently they ate those types of snacks.
What were the results? They are listed as follows...
The first thing the researchers discovered is...
When the subjects underwent turbulent times and their self-control was depleted, it was found that they would naturally fall back on their default patterns.
That is, if they usually read a section of the newspaper or ate cereal, they CLUNG to doing those things during exam weeks. On the other hand, if they usually ate a doughnut, they did so even more frequently.
Lesson: Your strongest habits will self-execute no matter how little willpower you have.
That is because, "Habit performance does not depend on the finite self-control resources required for more deliberative actions." [1]
This is HUGE. The finding means that if you train yourself to "do the right thing"—then you'll go on to do it even when you're tired or "just not feeling it."
"What looks like laziness is often exhaustion"
- Chip & Dan Heath, Switch
Your willpower (like everyone's) has a limit. It doesn't come from a bottomless well of self-discipline. It comes from setting yourself up to make the right choices - every day, one step at a time.
Stress is unavoidable. And when we feel stress, our willpower is easily exhausted. If you don't have a step-by-step plan to follow, each time a choice comes up (e.g. sleep in or meditate?), you must exercise your willpower... Not good. Each small (and big) choice you make erodes your limited resource more and more, until structure breaks down and chaos eventually takes over...
You may have seen this phenomenon yourself... Let me give you an example.
Perhaps you've known someone who tried to quit smoking. In the beginning they were probably good - they had enough discipline to curb their addiction every time the desire would pop up. But without fail, it would only be a short time before IT happens...
You know how it goes. Those windows of HIGH stress that come out of left field. Instances when, for one reason or another, "shit hits the fan". And just like that... your highly-capable, intelligent colleague starts reaching for those deadly comfort sticks once again...
Then, after only one seemingly-innocent moment of weakness, pretty soon things are back to normal... and the old behavioral pattern has mercilessly taken back control (aka FAILURE).
So you see...
If you've trained yourself to grab fruit for a snack... you'll likely keep doing so. If you've trained yourself to grab candy… you'll also keep doing so.
The problem is, forming a rock-solid habit is easier said than done. Why? Because usually, it takes the two things you always seem to need more of:
Sometimes through sheer willpower you try - and it works sometimes. And then it fails... and you try again, fail again… and then you finally give up. You beat yourself up for succumbing to your weaknesses. You're demotivated. Then you start to think...
But really, it doesn't have to be.
See, in the beginning, your battle is against inertia. Training yourself to do something new requires continuous, diligent efforts to maintain momentum or you'll lose steam fast.
And unless you know how to create a habit correctly, you could be struggling to achieve your goals (ironically, without knowing that you set yourself up for failure from the start).
Based on the research, we now know two things:
But knowing these two nuggets of knowledge is not enough. We must dig deeper and explore:
Habits are NOT useful... unless you do 3 things.
By covering these three areas, you will drastically increase your chances of success. That's why at Asian Efficiency, we've broken down the process of Habit Optimization into three distinct phases to cover each point. What are these phases, and why are they so important?
Let me explain...
You must build a habit in the correct way from the start. By digging through heaps of research and plenty of testing, we have uncovered easy techniques to prevent failure and set yourself up for success. If you have tried many times to change and have not been successful... you've probably been doing this phase wrong. How many more times must you fail and predictably de-motivate yourself before you quit altogether? Knowing how to do it right the first time is CRUCIAL. Unfortunately, not many people understand this - that's why we at Asian Efficiency have created a course solely dedicated to this phase (Details further down...)
Once you build a habit, your work is not done. You must know how to maintain a habit and make it "sticky". If you have a habit that sticks, then you can maximize your consistency and accelerate towards your goals faster. And because of that, over time you are guaranteed the maximum result in the shortest amount of time possible. But life sometimes gets in the way (Hence, the next phase...)
Once you've created a habit and done it so regularly it becomes like clockwork, you'll be cruising with momentum now on your side. Congratulations! You have now built a solid habit and probably starting to see the fruits of your labor. But the big question now is not if, but WHEN -- that is, when you inevitably fall off the horse... what do you do? How do you recover from losing steam? What must you do to get back into the groove of things? These issues are dealt with in this final phase.
Now, as mentioned, Phase 1 (building a habit from scratch) is perhaps the most important part of the process. The average person is destined for failure simply because he doesn't understand the principles of forming a repeatable practice engineered to last.
We observed this first amongst our team, then our readers. And so, we decided to do something about it. We dedicated ourselves to find the answer... finally, we came up with a process that makes sense (supported by numerous books and studies).
Now we are excited to introduce...
There's a lot of information (and misinformation) out there. You could watch dozens of videos and hundreds of articles on the subject and still not have a clue on what to do.
But when you are busy with the "daily grind", when you have a never-ending struggle to keep up with a growing workload... you don't have time to sift through the noise. You need a better way.
If you're anything like me, you want the quickest way to learn what you need to know so you can start implementing NOW. Instead of wasting time with fluff and jargon, you'd rather pick out the few key golden nuggets that will help you achieve results fast.
The Habits Crash Course will do that for you...
"I like the idea that it gives a step by step processes that can be put into action immediately. It also explains WHY it should be done rather than just telling us WHAT to do with no explanation."
"The theory behind habits is almost deceptively simple, at first I thought it was just common sense. The more I learned and practiced though, the more I realized how much of our lives is defined by what we do regularly - sometimes without even realizing it. Overhauling my habits is still a work in progress, but I've already seen benefits from small simple changes. I'm looking forward to seeing how much progress I've made over time."
"I have only applied half of the course but in the one week since I have started amazing things have happened. I am calmer, more productive, and spend less at work. My much earlier start time has resulted in an earlier end time cutting my commute in half and allowing more time for family."
So here's what I've got for you...
The Habits Crash Course is a quick-dive tutorial into the first and perhaps most important phase of Habit Optimization—building a habit from scratch. This concise tutorial is designed to provide you everything you need to know in 1 hour or less.
It includes:
When you know exactly what to do and how to do it, you'll be able build the habits that will bridge the gap from "where you are" to "where you want to be" in no time.
Hopefully I've convinced you that habits are what you need to get you out of a rut and take your success to the next level. Now I want to lay out for you exactly why we're the right people to teach you about this topic. Simply, with no fluff or gimmicks:
As you can see...
Right now, you have 3 options:
You may have some experience with habit building. You may think you can roll the dice and get it done on your own. More power to you. Go for it. But most likely, if you're here on this page it's because you tried on your own... and the results leave much to be desired.
You could hire someone to do the research for you, have them test it out on themselves and anyone they know, come back and report on the data. Then, as part of the job description, they would be required to give you an in-depth presentation on the subject of habits. Here they are in charge of providing you specialized knowledge and saving you time and cutting your learning curve in half. Only problem is... it might take months before you actually get the information you're looking for.
You can get the Habits Crash Course for the fraction of the price of labor and a fraction of the time. In fact, you can have the information delivered to you instantly in a matter of seconds. But that's not all. With the Habits Crash Course, you'll have a step-by-step plan you can easily implement in an hour, with everything you need to know, all in one place! Avoid wondering if you are doing it right, and just follow the easy instructions.
When you can do something you know you need to do... REGARDLESS of willpower, motivation, or self-discipline... over time you will be able to addict yourself to taking right action and making incremental and consistent improvements in any area of your life... guaranteed.
Once you have a system in place to take action when you don't feel like it... well, that is the beginning of every success story.
Here's what to do now...
Go ahead and try our Habits Crash Course for yourself completely RISK FREE.
I'm so proud and confident of this new training, I'll stamp it with our..
Here's how it works:
You have 60 full days to try the Habits Crash Course ON US -- risk-free.
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If you don't find this course is the easiest system for building habits you've ever used...
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In addition to how much you'll love the Habits Crash Course, you'll also like the fact that it's affordable.
In the past, we have sold similar products at hundreds of dollars. But our goal is to help as many people as possible because...
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That's why we're giving an exclusive discount to AE fans reading this now! Take advantage of this deal... and use it as the extra push you need to upgrade your life.
For everyone else, when we decide to raise the price, this course will cost way more. We could easily charge $97 for this highly impactful resource. But for you today...
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-Thanh Pham, CEO of Asian Efficiency
[1] Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [David T. Neal, Wendy Wood and Aimee Drolet, How do people adhere to goals when willpower is low? The profits (and pitfalls) of strong habits:]
[2] Scientific American. [Cynthia Graber, Strong Habits Kick In under Stress:]
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Images used for customer testimonials are a combination of real customers and stock photography for aesthetic and customer privacy purposes.