
Get Access to Cutting-Edge Productivity Secrets That Give You an Unfair Advantage

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Premium Newsletters

Asian Efficiency has been featured in:

Lifehacker  Yahoo!  Fast Company The Globe and Mail
Changing Worlds.

One of the biggest problems with productivity and time management is that things change all the time. Today's world is going so fast that it's hard to keep up with everything.

What worked before, might not work today.

10 years ago most of us were happy we got an email from someone. Back then it would be perfectly fine to reply to someone 3 days later.

Today it's the exact opposite - we want to stay far away from our overflooded inboxes. And if we don't reply to an email within an hour, people start to assume we're not working and that we're not on top of things.

That's just email. But we both know we also have to deal with an overwhelming amount of phone calls, text messages, Facebook updates and private messages.

All these new technologies are great - if they are used the right way. The thing is... most of us DON'T. We've picked up some time management books from the bookstore that were written in the 1980s and 1990s... and try to apply them to the modern world.

Giant wall calendars, tickler files and paper planners are all great - but they're simply not enough for today's evolving, complex and connected world.

The solution, is to stay up-to-date and know out what is working TODAY - and in Premium Newsletters, that's we show you exactly that.

What exactly are Premium Newsletters?

Every month at Asian Efficiency HQ, one of our resident productivity experts gets to write about a topic of their choice - they're given free reign and permission to go wild with their productivity concepts and ideas.

You see, all of us here at AE run productivity and time management experiments all the time - so that you don't have to.

Say you've just seen a story on your Facebook news feed about a new way to divide up your sleeping schedule in 4 hour chunks, or some long-lost genius' morning routine, but you don't know if it really works and you don't have any desire to try it out for yourself.

That's where Premium Newsletters come in.

When somebody at Asian Efficiency sees that, they volunteer to test it out. We experiment with how productivity works in the real world, in our own lives, and then we write about the results.

It's all about making our lives (and yours) better, faster, stronger... and more Asian Efficient'er.

Usually these newsletters go out to our AE Insiders list - they're the first to know what works, and what doesn't. And we've never had a way for people to get access to our library of Premium Newsletters.

But we've decided to change that. Right here, you can get past copies of our Premium Newsletters to get access to all the cutting edge productivity strategies that will give you an unfair advantage.

So how are Premium Newsletters different from what you publish on your blog, or in your products?

When we release a product or something on our blog, it's something that has undergone rigorous testing - usually 6-12 months. But when we release something up as a Premium Newsletter... it's raw, unfiltered, and something that we are working on RIGHT NOW. There's usually some swearing involved, the calling out of any feel-good-but-not-realistic BS, and we certainly don't hold anything back.

So here's what you get when you purchase Premium Newsletters.

  • You'll get access to every past issue of Premium Newsletters in a nice PDF format. And...
  • You'll get ongoing access to AE Insiders, emailed to you every month.

If you're sick of the feel-good pollyanna woo-woo that you see everywhere online nowadays, and simply want to get to content that JUST SIMPLY WORKS... then Premium Newsletters is for you.

What you'll learn inside probably won't be found online for another 12 months... if ever.

Asian Efficiency Primer 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

Our Guarantee To You

Premium Newsletters comes with Asian Efficiency's 60-day 100% money-back guarantee.

So get them, go through them... and if you really don't like them... we'll give you your money back, no questions asked.

Here's what other Premium Newsletters users have said...

"Good to have all the posts in one place - lots of very useful insights and I like the combo of tech recommendations and lifestyle guidance."

Kenneth Burgin, USA

"I don’t usually send emails like this, however it’s more than warranted. I have to say that the content you produce has inspired me to so much in my life so far and I feel I need you to recognise this as it seems to be one of your driving factors - knowing that you are influencing and inspiring people like myself. I’m father to three gorgeous, but demanding girls and have recently taken the plunge to giving up full-time work and setting up my own business. If I didn’t have these dependents it wouldn’t be such a worrying state of affairs, however by following your site regularly, newsletters etc as well as modifying them to fit my own work/life balance, I feel as though I am in a position to make a success of it. I couldn’t do it without role models like yourselves."

Lee Garrett, UK

"For the last year or so I have been benefiting from your blogs and products and have seen a marked change in my life, from being aware to my energy cycles to being able to enjoy vacation and down-time because I did my work when I needed to. As a Freelancer I find your techniques especially applicable. All of your content and recommendations are so solid, I happily pass them along to friends and colleagues."

Heidi Quicke, USA

Frequently Asked Questions

What exactly are Premium Newsletters?

Premium Newsletters are our past AE Insiders newsletters in PDF format. You get all existing issues, and all future issues from now and until the end of time.

Does Premium Newsletters come with support?

Yes, you can send us an email anytime about any of the topics covered, and we'll get back to you right away.

Can I buy just an individual issue that I'm missing?

No, we've decided to streamline the Premium Newsletter library. It's now one package, one price, and you get all updates for free (we release 1 new issue every month).

The Asian Efficiency Team

To better productivity,

Thanh Pham

Thanh and the Asian Efficiency Team

P.S. These newsletters contain cutting-edge information that can change your life. Seriously.

P.P.S. Remember, Premium Newsletters come with a 60-day 100% money-back guarantee. That's 2 MONTHS to try it out. And if it just doesn't do it for you, we'll refund you your money back. So you have nothing to lose - try it out today.

Disclaimer: In accordance with United States FTC guidelines, we want to make it explicitly clear that the customer letters we have received are based on the unique experiences and circumstances of those people only. We cannot promise that you will experience similar benefits or results from using our products.

Images used for customer testimonials are a combination of real customers and stock photography for aesthetic and customer privacy purposes.

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